Common Entities
Bucket and Host Name
There are two methods of accessing the buckets.
The recommended method identifies the buckets as the top-level directory in the URI.
GET /mybucket
HTTP/1.1 Host:
The second method identifies the bucket via a virtual bucket host name. For example:
GET / HTTP/1.1
To configure virtual hosted buckets, you can either set rgw_dns_name = in Z1 Storage.conf, or add to the list of hostnames in your zonegroup configuration. See Z1 Storage Object Gateway - Multisite Configuration for more on zonegroups.
We recommend the first method, because the second method requires costly domain certification and DNS wild cards.
Common Request Headers
Request Header | Description |
CONTENT_LENGTH | Length of the request body. |
DATE | Request time and date (in UTC). |
HOST | The name of the host server. |
AUTHORIZATION | Authorization token. |
Common Response Status
HTTP Status | Response Code |
100 | Continue |
200 | Success |
201 | Created |
202 | Accepted |
204 | NoContent |
206 | Partial content |
304 | NotModified |
400 | InvalidArgument |
400 | InvalidDigest |
400 | BadDigest |
400 | InvalidBucketName |
400 | InvalidObjectName |
400 | UnresolvableGrantByEmailAddress |
400 | InvalidPart |
400 | InvalidPartOrder |
400 | RequestTimeout |
400 | EntityTooLarge |
403 | AccessDenied |
403 | UserSuspended |
403 | RequestTimeTooSkewed |
404 | NoSuchKey |
404 | NoSuchBucket |
404 | NoSuchUpload |
405 | MethodNotAllowed |
408 | RequestTimeout |
409 | BucketAlreadyExists |
409 | BucketNotEmpty |
411 | MissingContentLength |
412 | PreconditionFailed |
416 | InvalidRange |
422 | UnprocessableEntity |
500 | InternalError |